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中园地质大学CHINA UNIVERSITY OF GEOSCIENCES城市空间信息支持城市可持续发展目标王力哲中国地质大学(武汉)CHINA汇报提纲一城市可持续发展二城市空间信息学三.支持城市可持续发展指标评估www.cug.edu.cn1.全球城市化发展Do more people live in urban or rural areas?,1950Share of the population which live in urban versus rural areas.Here,'majorty urban'indicates more than 50 percemt of the populatson live in urban centres;'majontty rural'indicates loss than 50 percent.Urban populabons are defined based on the defnition ofurtban areas by national statstical ofices.This is based on estimates to 2016.combined with UIN projoctions to 2050.No data在1950年,显然只有欧美少数国家城市化已经成熟www.cug.edu.cn1.全球城市化发展Do more people live in urban or rural areas?,1971Share of the populstion which Ive in urban versus rural areas.Here,majorty urban'indicates more than 50 pescart of the population ive in urban centres;'majorsy rural"indicates less than 50 percent,Urban populations are defned based on the definition of urban areas by national statitlcal offices.This is based on estimates to 2016,combined with UN proiections to 2050.No data1970年代初,城市化已经在欧洲和美洲成形,全球一半的土地上,城市成为主要的人口聚集地www.cug.edu.cn1.全球城市化发展Do more people live in urban or rural areas?,2012Share ot the populaton which ive in urban versus rural areas.Here,'majorty urban'indicates more than 80 percent of the population ive in urban centres;'majorty rurafindicates loss than 50 percent.Urban populations are defined based en the detnition of urban areas by national statstical offices.This is based on estimates to 2016.,combined with UN proyectlons to 2050.No dataSowce:OWID hased en UN Wond Uitanaat Prospects 201818 Histoncal Souces fsce Souces tabi中国也随之开始了经济发展和城市化进程,并于2012年左右也成为了城市人口为主的国家www.cug.edu.cn1.全球城市化发展Urban and rural population (projected to 2050),WorldTotal urban and rural population.given as estimates to 2016,and UN projections to 2050.Projections arein Databased on the UN World Urbanization Prospects and its median fertility scenario.8 billionUrban6 billion4 billion2 billionRural1500160017001800190020002050BY-SAwww.cug.edu.cn
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